As soon as you make your purchase, you will receive a confirmation e-mail and our team will get to work so that you receive your order as soon as possible. If after the time indicated below for each country you have not received your order, please contact us with your order number and we will review your order history to find a solution as soon as possible. You will receive an email with the tracking of your order so that you can be aware of the status of the shipment at all times.

Jesus is Lord s will not be responsible for delivery errors caused when the delivery address entered by the User in the order form does not correspond to reality or when some information has been omitted.

During the launch of collections, due to the high demand concentrated in a few days, it is possible that deliveries may be delayed.


Shipping 24h 4,50 € | Free > 50 €.


48H - 4,50 € | Free > 80 €


Standard 48H - 9,50 € | Free > 100 €

At all times Jesus is Lord will work to offer the best service in terms of international shipments, however, it may happen that for some reason or cause beyond our control, an order may be cancelled, in which case Jesus is Lord will inform the customer within a period of no more than 24 working hours, accompanied by the corresponding refund in the payment method used by the customer for the purchase.